• Introduces the Follow Box feature.
  • Applies force pinning to Tasty Recipes ‘Pin Recipe' button.
  • Respects inline style="" attribute when applying minimum image size.
  • Applies minimum image size to text widgets too, in addition to everywhere else it's applied.
  • Always applies data-pin-nopin="nopin" for use of the get_header_image_tag() function.

Don't forget to update! 

You should soon see an update for Tasty Pins v1.7.0 in your WordPress dashboard. Make sure to update to keep your plugin in tip-top shape.

The Pinterest follow box

We built this follow box for Pinch of Yum and love it so much, we’ve decided to share it with all of you! It’s the perfect tool for increasing your Pinterest followers and super easy to set up. After a reader pins an image on your site, the follow box comes up to encourage them to follow your account. We’ve seen a big uptick in followers and we hope you do too!

Pinterest follow box

You can set up the follow box in just a few minutes! From the WordPress admin, go to Settings > Tasty Pins > Follow Box. There, you’ll find all of the follow box options:

  • Follow box on/off
  • Background image: an image around 400px wide is great. We’re using a screenshot from our Pinterest account.
  • Logo: a transparent .png file, about 240px wide works best.
  • Logo background color
  • Button background color
  • Button text color
  • Pinterest account name
  • Pinterest account description
  • Pinterest account URL
  • ShareASale affiliate ID 

Pssst… WP Tasty has a stellar affiliate program! Add your affiliate ID and start earning that easy cash! Learn more about our affiliate program.

Tasty Pins follow box settings

Fun follow box fact: the follow box won't appear again if a reader closes it by either by hitting "Follow" or hitting the close button. 

The follow box is designed to pick up the styles from your site theme, but if you want to further customize the follow box, all you need is a little custom CSS. Reach out to our support team if you need any help getting that follow box looking super sharp. ✨ 

Want to see it in action? Head over to Pinch of Yum and pin your favorite recipe! Here’s one of my favorites you can try it on: Basic + Awesome Vegetarian Lasagna.

Applies forced pinning to Tasty Recipes 'Pin Recipe' button

Using Tasty Pins with Tasty Recipes? Yeah, us too! Now when you use force pinning of a hidden image on a post, the 'Pin Recipe' button in your Tasty Recipes card will force that hidden pin as well.

Improved disable pinning

The next little group of updates are all about the disable pinning functionality. Now, when you set those minimum image sizes in your Tasty Pins settings, it will apply to image sizes you (or your theme) adjust using CSS. It should also take care of some of those lingering pin button issues in your sidebar widgets and header images.