Tasty Pins v1.1.4
Fixes issue where custom hover button broke when “force hidden image” was enabled (introduced in v1.1.2).
Fixes issue where custom hover button broke when “force hidden image” was enabled (introduced in v1.1.2).
Disables loading=”lazy” for hidden images to partially fix pinning issue.
Fixes issue where custom hover button didn’t pull in an image’s repin id. Improves the custom Pin button click behavior on mobile. Fixes hidden image display issue in editor. Bumps…
Introduces custom Pinterest hover buttons with a new settings page. Includes the image’s alt text on hidden images. Disables avatar pinning by default. Updates the EDD Updater to v1.7.1.
Adds a new field for adding Pinterest titles to an image. Updates to the EDD Updater to v1.6.19 that handles Tasty Pins licensing
Adds a welcome page that appears after plugin activation. Fixes missing space in <img> markup for hidden images when Pinterest text isn’t set. Fixes issue where data-pin-url was added even when the post type…
Full integration with Gutenberg Image Block. Moves hidden images back to the top of post content. Fixes hidden images to only append Pinterest attributes when they’re set. Adds a Pinterest…
Introduces tasty_pins_hidden_image_thumbnail_size filter for modifying the hidden image thumbnail size. Adds tasty-pins-hidden-image-container class on hidden images wrapper, and tasty-pins-hidden-image class on hidden image HTML.
Introduces option to force pinning of the first hidden image for all images in a post. Fixes issue where Pinterest Hidden Image would have a JavaScript error when no thumbnail image…