Ads in Tasty Recipes

Mediavine ads

To display Mediavine ads in your Tasty Recipes, you must first have an active ad account with Mediavine.

When you begin using Tasty Recipes, simply reach out to your Mediavine representative and let them know. They will be able to turn the ads on for you.

Add a Mediavine video to a recipe card

Are you having trouble adding new Mediavine video embed codes to your recipe cards?

Mediavine recently updated its dashboard and video editor page. The new URLs won't work the same way the last ones did, but there's a simple fix!

  1. Login to your Mediavine Dashboard. Find the video you want to add to your recipe card.
  2. Scroll down to Embed Code Settings. There, you'll find the Video ID.

3. You can add that Video ID to the end of this URL:

If you still run into issues with the URLs, we suggest reaching out to Mediavine's Support Team for further assistance.

AdThrive ads

To display AdThrive ads in your Tasty Recipes, you must first have an active ad account with AdThrive.

When you begin using Tasty Recipes, simply reach out to your AdThrive representative and let them know. They will be able to turn the ads on for you.

Swoop ads

To display Swoop ads in your Tasty Recipes, you must first have an active ad account with Swoop

Swoop should automatically start displaying ads in your Tasty Recipes. However, if you do not see them and are concerned something is not right, reach out to your Swoop support contact and ask them to double-check.

Swoop ads may also display on the Print page. If you would prefer that these ads do not display on the print page, simply ask your Swoop support contact to turn them off.

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