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  5. How do I prevent structured data from being included on a certain recipe?

How do I prevent structured data from being included on a certain recipe?

According to Google, recipe markup should be included on human-edible food only. So if you use Tasty Recipes for things such as dog treat recipes, homemade cleaning product recipes, or even craft and sewing projects, those shouldn't include recipe structured data.

Block Editor

In the Block (Gutenberg) Editor, disabling the structured data is a simple checkbox. With the recipe block selected, click on the Advanced tab in the block sidebar. You'll see a “Recipe Options” area that includes the box for disabling the structured data for a non-food recipe.

Classic Editor

In the Classic Editor, you can add the disable-json-ld  flag to the recipe shortcode in the post editor to prevent structured data from being written to the page.

Here's what that would look like:

You'll be able to edit the shortcode in the Text view of your WordPress post.

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